Monday, March 3, 2008

Middle-Schoolers Get the Pill

This article brings to light the fact that middle high school girls are being aloud with out parental consent. It’s a known fact that kids are maturing at a younger age and are becoming more sexually active then generations before them. This article, in a way, brings to light both sides of this issue. The sides are we should allow these girls to do so and the other side is more traditional and presents a more conservative view on the matter.

The first side is for these girls doing this BUT safely. It says that if these girls want to get the pill all they have to do is see the health center to get ONLY after an extensive questioning by the health center personal. Because most of these girls are immigrants or poor kids and are very sexually active. Most of which are 14 and 15 years old and in the eighth grade and the school district is trying to make it easier for lower ended girls to get the pill to have safer sex.

The other side is against these girls having sex until they are much older. This side is pushing abstinence until they are older and wiser about the dangers of having sex. This side is the old fashion conservative side of the political scale and is considered “Puritanical theocrats.”

Both sides show very similar sides and arguments that can be argued until we are all blue in the face. Middle school girls in this time are more concerned about being treated like adults then they are there age. This kid of thinking is very dangerous because this is how older men, which some times are predators, see and act upon. Girls of ANY age should consider that the risk is not worth it and wait until they know the dangers and can deal with the consequences of sex at a young age.

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