Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mother Tongue

Amy Tan's piece called "Mother Tongue" focuses on what it was like writing and learning english when her mother only spoke Chinese. Some of you may know of Amy Tan by her book "The Joy Luck Club". I think that she is trying to reach out people that lived in one nation then moved to a completely new nation and had to learn the native language to assilate into the nation and to get around with no problems. Even though some people do learn and get around people do not treat them right just because they are from a different country. We need to treat those from another country as if they were from the the country that we live in so that they feel like the are at home. This piece may also be aimed at parents that are to entrenched with the lives they had and are unwilling to change to a new life. Some parents fear change and would fight like there is no tomorrow to keep their lives the same.

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